Saturday, June 30, 2007

color wheel

So Jesus shed red blood for my black sin and made my heart white as snow! Submerge '07 totaly turned my heart inside out and revealed things that was hiden so deep that i was not aware of them. God took away heart arche, confusion, and depression out of my heart. In return he replaced it with joy, hope, and unconditional love. I felt trapped in a life that I had no control of and was sinking! God helped me forgive myself for many mistakes and cleansed my mind of guilt. I have forgiven my father of many terrible things that happened in my childhood, this was holding me back from opening up to God. I also came to the realization that it was not my fault that my mom passed away, there was nothing I could have done to change that. I always wanted to give God everything and I never knew why I wasnt able to, this experiance shed light onto my heart and showed me what i had pushed so far down that it wasnt visible. God is amazing and i have embraced the mission of standing up for the purpose of Christ. I serve a Holy God that love us so much that he wants us to open up to his mercy and grace. I will show this love to those who are lost and serching for more.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

He has Mercy

on my way home from work i noticed that my gas was bellow i was like that sucks i will have to get gas at walmart in the rain... so as i am going down airline my car starts to jerk, i think its because of the rain on the street no big deal...then it starts to slow down and i begin to freak out....i was like dont stop in the dark and i prayed so deep that god culd get me to the gas i turned up the radio which was on k-love amd praised car got this burst of speed an i made it to the light, i was like come one just a few more feet and it had another burst of speed....i pulled up to the gas pump and the car shutdown, it ran out of gas.....when i got out the car i screamed thank you jesus for getting me here....This was so awsome i got gas and made it home!!! God so had my back and i am still in shock that this happened! Never doubt God because without faith there is no mercy.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

infinite love

The infinite love that God bestows upon us consumes you. It elevates a relationship that will produce spiritual fruit and allow you to grow. As the spirit nurtures you it equips you to impact the world around you. A life that is devoted to God will overflow with blessings and joy, it will resemble Christ, and bring hope to those who are lost. We should be a beacon of light to this world that is consumed by darkness.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Time is a concept

Time is a concept that is hard to control. It does not matter how much you want it to slow down or stop it will continue to progress. This is the same with life; it doesn’t matter what happens life continues to progress. In a way this is good, but when times are rough you need the world to stop so you can regain composure. Finding peace in the storm in a sense is what it boils down to. As time passes so do friends, moments, and memories. Time steals from us and gives as well. Time takes our attention and memories but gives us opportunities and wisdom. Come to think of it God is like time. He gives us so much, yet takes away what we hold onto the most. God gives us mercy, grace, and unconditional love. He takes away heartache, shame, and despair with the list going on forever. As God created us in his own image, perhaps time was too.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Grab Hold

To make it through life we must grab hold of something firm and stable. This will assist us in the parts of life that tend to get rocky. Life is like a roller coaster that can bring you to the highest point and suddenly drop down farther than you can ever imagine. At the lowest point is where what you are holding onto matters the most. A pure and calm being will lead you out of despair. If you are holding onto something tangible of the world it will not sustain you. It will only cause more turmoil in your time of confusion. Make it a point to discover the significance of what it is you are holding onto.