Sunday, February 24, 2008

Band aid

"Im stuck on band aid brand cause band aids stick on me!"
This jumped out at me during worship. So often we put band aids on the wounds of this broken and dieing generation. We cannot cover the problems anymore, because they are going unsolved. The wounds cannot be heald if they are not attended to. We must stitch up the wounds of this generation in order for God to heal us. As a generation that is broken we must look to God for nurishment and healing from the injuries we sustain from the world. The Devil want to still, kill, and destroy all of us. I have news for him, God is for us so the devil cannot stand against us. We have power over the enemy through God. Do not allow yourself to be taken hostage! As a generation we must amplify our battle cry of Jesus and continue to fight. We do not stand alone, we are all in this together.


Anonymous said...

You are so amazing! I love you and I'm so glad I got to share this weekend with you. You are ALWAYS welcomed at our home! You are the best!

Amanda said...

hey woman!!! i have a blog, check it out!

I didn't know you had one until this morning!!!!

love ya....



Anonymous said...

Well said.